Epigenetic Beliefs Reincarnate

You can say to the mountain ‘be removed’ (intentional) or you can just stay with the institutionalized status quo (epigenetic) and its attendant negative outcomes.

Peter B.
10 min readOct 19, 2022

Jonathan Poletti wrote about reincarnation as a physical phenomenon. In it he mentions that “…Origen had been condemned for teaching that “souls existed before the bodies” as taught or supported the idea of “the transmigration of souls…”

I commented on the phrase “souls existed before the bodies”, and have edited it for clarity and expanded on it below. Thank you


“This could easily be an ancient way of communicating epigenetics, the science discovered by Dr. Bruce Lipton: Everyone’s life began in their grandmother’s womb when their mother developed all of the eggs she would ever have. The way that grandparents responded to stressors in life are genetically transferred to the mother’s eggs, (not the mother’s DNA) and becomes part and parcel of her children’s genetic expression. We are not our genes, but we most definitely are our grandparents expression/responses to stressors.

Their responses are a very good predictor of mine. In domestic settings I always trend towards my maternal grandmother’s epigenetic low self-esteem in which she, a lifelong alcoholic, committed suicide on my mother’s birthday when my mother was 5 months pregnant with me. Until I independently figured out how beliefs and DNA* worked I could not sit still in a residence; I was chronically suppressed, distressed, or depressed until I got outside into sunshine. I have a string of failed relationships because of that chronic negative state. No amount of positive thinking or prayer ever lifted me up, but socializing always did. I never drank alcohol alone, always socially.

Like my grandmother, my two siblings turned to alcohol and that’s where they remain, stuck in the ether.

Me? I got the fuck outside. That’s where my paternal grandfather’s epigenetic response kicked in. He was 16 years old when his father died in a railroad roundhouse accident. 4 days later that 16 year old kid took on his father’s job and worked it incident-free for 49 years. The eldest of 7, he put his 6 younger siblings through college before getting married. From him I get my analytical gifts of figuring out how things and people are put together. This has served me extremely well through 50 years to figuring out to climb high level rock climbing routes and having a great time away from domestic settings where my grandmother’s spirit can be evoked. *When I figured out a rational statement of how beliefs work, over the course of 5 years now, I was able to reparent her epigenetic response. This is ongoing.

When I ever I feel down I know it’s time to do yoga, go for a walk, pay attention to what I’m paying attention to, go for a ride, go bouldering, go run a trail run, just do anything but dwell on my grandmother’s beliefs embedded in my DNA. Could this not also be Paul’s classical “thorn in my side” that he was never delivered from? Couldn’t this be stated back then as the war between flesh (epigenetics) and spirit (expression)?

I believe so, and therefore I can daily put on Christ. I can daily do all things through Him. I can daily remind myself that my new wine (expression) is in new wineskin (belief). Notice that both the old wine and new wine are sourced from the same vine of epigenetic beliefs. The latin root ‘epi’ means ‘something else’, meaning that one can choose to express their genetic response as the same old wine with the same old tastes. Or, one can choose to respond to the perceived stressors differently. How? By recognizing that the epigenetic response ultimately is a cry for help echoing from previous generations. It’s physically wired into your DNA and feelings/spirit that greatly influences your perception of it and thus your actions, which predictably means you will resort to the old responses. If Jesus died for your sins, then he most assuredly died for your epigenetic responses for the negative ones—the ones that harm self and others—to show you another way.

The cross that Jesus bore was the epigenetic belief centered on scapegoating, blaming others for the problems that their epigenetic responses created.

For thousands of years the beliefs focused squarely on the symptoms. The original rule was don’t eat the fruit from a certain tree or else you will die.

Evangelicals have taught that behavior here determines whether one spends an eternity in heaven or hell. So be good, obey mom and dad, don’t smoke pot, follow the rules, don’t have sex and things work out well for you after you die.

Apparently Evangelicals missed that part in the Lord’s Prayer “let it be done on Earth as it is in heaven.” The word “is” indicates that “it” already exists in the invisible realm called ‘heaven’. Since hell on Earth seems to be the default, Evangelicals don’t ever argue on this point. They should know because they helped create it by plagiarizing Genesis 3:4–5 where a lying talking snake convinces a hot, fresh-from-the-mold woman named Eve to beliEve that nope, she ain’t gonna die; just eat the fruit and she will be like God.

Nobody agrees with my take on this cornerstone of oppression. Maybe that’s because it’s so deeply entombed into DNA—second only to the belief in God—and so deeply entrenched in Evangelism’s similar message to perform an action in order to be saved by Jesus, that it’s impossible to have an objective take on it.

Typically, this ‘Fall of Man’ story is all about disobedience, that only if Eve obeyed then each of us would be living our best life. So deeply embedded into DNA is this belief that the illogic escapes most people, and that illogic is this: because one person disobeyed the rest of us are fucked.

This epigenetic illogic is highly profitable by the way. Over thousands of years the response to this epic error was to create more rules and demand obedience to them. Disobedience to man-made rules meant death by stoning which meant being buried alive under the weight of stones. This fear was used to coerce obedience.

So many rules with death penalties that society would collapse were all lawbreakers were punished. The response: a sin tax where a lawbreaker would pay the religious authorities a tax. Bribery in a word. More rules meant more money for the leaders which had the effect of institutionalizing epigenetic beliefs that focus squarely on the symptoms and not the causes. It’s very profitable because it uses fear.

I articulate this fear model: Perform an external action in order to receive/achieve what you already have/are.

Eat the fruit and you will be like God, indicating God fucked up when he created you. Accept Jesus as your Savior and your mistakes will be forgiven you, never mind that you disobeyed man-made rules.

The mistake you made was believing the messages that use that fear model. What do you believe and why do you believe it?

Welp, this was a no brainer for me to parse because it’s right fucking there in Genesis. Let him who has ears—
oh shit, wait! I’m legally deaf so that rules me out. I must’ve done something wrong along the way that caused the so-called ‘God is love’ to punish me** by giving me birth defects and then being disabled by western medicine to the point of having to learn how to walk, talk, and read again was merely more of the same punishment that I deserved. And when I was well enough to literally stumble back to church I was told by a highly thought of Conservative that brought Christ to my consciousness in the first place(!!! I know, right!?) that the reason for my condition is “because you didn’t have enough faith.”
—anyways, let him who still has a brain figure out why the all-knowing God asks Eve where she is after she and hot stud Adam paused their Kama Sutra in order to cover themselves in fig leaves. “Where are you?” in relation to your previous awareness? Answer: we are naked and afraid, so we hid ourselves. “Who told you that you were naked?”

Yeah! Who!? The better question would’ve been this:
Why did you believe a talking snake?

Moral of the story, pun intended: when you believe the wrong things about yourself you believe the wrong things about everything else. This conclusion checks out every single time. Every single thing that is wrong is because people believe whatever the marketing tells them to believe. Believe the experts, the authorities, and yet here we’ve got a story in an ancient text where everybody agrees that the talking snake was lying and yet nobody bothers to figure out what was the truth that was embedded in the lie.

The reason you want to do this is because there’s a huge difference between a lie and outright fabrication. Fabrications are ridiculous statements such as “rattlesnakes give great blowjobs”. On the other hand, lies depend on a kernel of truth to create doubt in order to induce belief. The truth in the lie that Eve believed: you are already like God. The lie: you are not like God, eat the fruit and you will be.

Instantly Eve was afraid because she was naked. In her mind she was conscious of lacking something by mere virtue of believing. And that made her afraid.

I can’t think of single person who hasn’t felt afraid and acted accordingly, and in the course of that action made mistakes. But to believe this story as gospel that you are a born sinner is to blame your Creator for making a mistake. Therefore, why would you listen to anything else in the Bible seeing that God fucked up and then took a day off so that you could visit? Since fear is institutional and epigenetic, nobody in their right mind would blame God. All you have to do is point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over.

The cross that Jesus bore was the epigenetic belief centered on scapegoating, blaming others for the problems that their epigenetic responses created. **Who demanded his death? The Rabbis. Their thinking: kill him and the problem of Roman occupation would go away. Jesus was a lawbreaker who pointed out the errors of elevating the letter of the law (obedience) way above the spirit of the law which is Love which bears all things, hopes all things, believes all things which loves one’s neighbors as one’s self. He was killed for reminding the Rabbis that they forgot the greatest command as outlined in Leviticus 19:9–18.

Fear makes people do wrong things. Obedience addresses the symptoms. When you love others—specifically making sure any human near you has food, clothing, and shelter—you create moral behavior in yourself and those that you love. It’s not only the greatest command, but it’s the absolute best, singular thing to focus on. Everything else takes care of itself, and miracles are common experience.

Every single thing you do has a direct effect on the highest life forms on this planet—microbes—on and in bodies of yourself and those whom you love or act hateful towards. It directly impacts the expression of their DNA beliefs.

Example: when Jesus forgives the sins of the paralytic, he’s actually showing the paralytic to swipe left on the Phariseean belief that disobedience—sin—caused his paralysis, so tough shit you dumb motherfucker. Jesus’ words are blasphemy to the fear-mongering money making model that made the Pharisees wealthy at the expense of their neighbors. So he asked them what’s easier: to heal the guy of his symptoms? Or address the cause of his symptoms?

The answer: by addressing the cause, the man is healed of his symptoms. For free. To the Pharisees it was simple: the guy was paralyzed by sin and didn’t pay the tax, sooo…oh well, not our problem anymore. Only God can forgive sins and until that day comes they were content to collect the sin tax. This Phariseean-induced paralysis works on a physical (symptom) and spiritual (cause) level. Jesus fixed it for free because Love remove the blinders placed by the fear model that creates misbeliefs that result in heartbreak and death.

Sin as a moral failure, per se, is so deeply entombed in epigenetic beliefs that the people who wrote the Bible had a hard time grasping it, so they stuck to reporting as they saw it. Yet even then, the disciples had a hard time grasping who Jesus was and how miracles happened even as they themselves facilitated miracles. To this day people don’t believe that miracles are possible, even after Jesus told them to focus on the ‘what’ and don’t even entertain or try to figure out (doubt) how the impossible could possibly manifest: believe.

There’s no other requirement but to believe. That’s all. You don’t qualify for a miracle because those heart-breaking Phariseean merit systems never have a winner, just money from the losers. Nobody qualifies anyways, so the only factor is muster up the emotional and mental fortitude to say to that lifelong epigenetic mountain ‘be gone and cast into the sea! And if you don’t try to figure it out (doubt), it will be done for you.

Let go and let God, Willy Wonka, Universe, Source or whatever you want to call it. Just say it and no longer entertain the epigenetic belief-speak in your body-mind that has produced the same old emotional burdens on you and yours. Yes, it’s hard, but what else are you going to do? You’re never too old for a miracle. And the cool part: miracles beget miracles. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

Every human is born with beliefs that are hundreds and thousands of years old. By age 7, 90% of them are articulated as feelings. As the child matures through early adulthood, beliefs become more organized via external modalities.

Before they were articulated and then organized, they were just beliefs. Doesn’t mean they were truth, just that they felt true. Everything-including lies-are truly stated, but only a few things are statements of truth.
Before they were articulated and then organized, they were just beliefs. Doesn’t mean they were truth, just that they felt true. Everything—including lies—are truly stated, but only a few things are statements of truth.

Before they were articulated and then organized, they were just beliefs. Doesn’t mean they were truth, just that they felt true. Everything — including lies — are truly stated, but only a few things are statements of truth.

Belief in God is ancient and is expressed in the man-made modality called ‘religion’ as if the belief is factual. ‘God’ is an expression of belief that each person embodies genetically. To read ‘created in God’s image’ is understood as ‘created with the power of belief’. The sole ‘requirement’ of miracles: believe. All it takes for a miracle is to believe. In order for the impossible to exist as an impossibility it first must exist as possible, so let it (possible) be done on Earth as it (possible) is (already exists) in heaven.

How? Believe. Say to the impossibility ‘be removed’ and it will be done for you. If you doubt (disbelieve), that’s your epigenetic fear. It’s easier to believe in it because it triggers your well worn epigenetic responses. It’s stressful in other words and most people respond negatively to stress. However—as Jesus and Dr. Bruce Lipton say in their own way—there’s always a choice. You can say to the mountain ‘be removed’ (intentional) or you can just stay with the institutionalized status quo (epigenetic) and its attendant negative outcomes.

Be they intentional or epigenetic, all beliefs agnostically self-reinforce instantly creating feelings, thoughts, and actions in that order, which creates more self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, and actions.



Peter B.

Objective analysis of claims and incongruities against the rational axiom of how beliefs work. https://howbeliefswork.com/