Exo Endo

Peter B.
8 min readOct 19, 2021


Exogenous variables are subject to manipulation in order to induce belief. Once believed it becomes endogenous, changing the way you feel, think and act, which in turn becomes your personal belief system. There’s now a connection between your endogenous ecosystem and the external world.

This is just another rational statement describing how beliefs work, and serves as a hermeneutic framework. Hermeneutics is basically how do I/we explain things? What’s the basis for articulating things external to humans? Theologically speaking, “Hermeneutics focuses on principles of interpretation — how the interpretive process works, the “rules” necessary for searching out meaning. Exegesis applies those principles.”

How would you explain this to an 8 year old child? Why and how could this possibly matter? It matters when one is describing how things in the Bible are interpreted, so the simplified version—the way you would describe this to a child—probably isn’t going to be correct because it’s missing entirely the role that beliefs play.

“…hermeneutics may be regarded as “the theory that guides exegesis; exegesis may be understood . . . to be the practice of and the set of procedures for discovering the author’s intended meaning.”

The problem with theology is that it can’t be explained to an 8 year old, nor does it account for the very thing that drives every human being past, present, and future which is that of beliefs which is why I started this article with a fancy but accurate description of how beliefs work.

Thus discovering intended meaning of words derived from exogenous events and culture that are thousands of years old that themselves are are housed in an exogenously sourced text claiming sovereignty over your endogenous existence makes no sense.

What make sense is knowing how beliefs work because it turns out that beliefs are what created the way people personally interpret external things. Thus the need for a framework to parse events thousands of years old and the accepted interpretations need a closer look.

Keep in mind that I’m discussing the framework when I say ‘how beliefs work’, ‘belief’, ‘believe’. This is crucial because it’s a framework by which every human who understands it can change their life and the lives of all others they come in contact with. This is a natural consequence. This is not something you intentionally undertake, but just another organic consequence of understanding how beliefs work.

The framework is drop dead simple and comprises just 21 words, but the first paragraph works just as well. Here it is again:
Exogenous variables are subject to manipulation in order to induce belief. Once believed it becomes endogenous, changing the way you feel, think and act, which in turn becomes your personal belief system. There’s now a connection between your endogenous ecosystem and the external world.

Beliefs are an endogenous framework each human is born with (Lipton, “The Biology of Belief”, 2005). The belief systems—the “connection between your endogenous ecosystem and the external world” is the external appearance and articulation of beliefs, but not the framework.

The ordering is this: Beliefs >Belief Systems > Language/Culture > Organized Modalities (OM).

Beliefs Framework illustrating the relation of endogenous beliefs to exogenous variables

Organized Modalities

Organized modalities (OMs) are belief systems containing their own language and culture. OMs are artificially broken into 2 categories: Religion and Science, both contain beliefs about the other, both perpetually concerned with appearance, thus both do not ever concern themselves with beliefs nor the framework driving their beliefs.

A short word about Religion and Science: if it has to be believed, it’s categorically false because truths are self-evident. Everything is truly stated, but only a few things are truth. For example, lies and theories are truly stated, believing either as truth creates a connection between your endogenous self and the lie or theory. In both cases one needs to objectively examine the supporting elements that make the statement appear to be true.

Just to be clear, lies are always used to induce consent, whereas theories communicate a possible truth in which to further understand a subject. Lies harm, theories create avenues of exploration.

Anyways, once a thing is believed, it self-reinforces in one’s preferred modality. That’s just you though. A group of people leads to groupthink excludes all other modalities.

Christianity is supported by institutionalized thoughts that are thousands of years old. Same with Philosophy. The reason I focus my efforts on Christianity is because it has never bothered to explain beliefs. When I applied the belief framework to the cornerstones of Christian Theology—specifically the Fall of Man and Jesus as Savior—it fell apart completely and resurrected itself, pun intended, into something much more clearer. I explain that in the downloadable pdf here.


Epistemology is basically “knowledge” and “reason” combined. Classic epistemology concerns itself with what it is to know and how knowledge is good. Epistemology belongs on the outer rings of thought. Philosphy marginalizes beliefs, referring to it as a mental state that accepts something to be true, relegating emotions as a subjective state that is cognitively and rationally deficient. It’s as if emotions are something to be avoided, that’s just the cold-hearted truth at the way Philosophy treats emotions.

Theology is epistemology’s sibling, concerning itself with what it is God and how God operates, marginalizing other organized modalities while promoting the belief in God and the Bible as accepted fact.

Religion, science, nor philosophy has bothered to rationally describe how beliefs work, thus they have operated for thousands of years in a chronic state of ‘beliefs about beliefs’. It’s peak irony and epistemologically harmful and wrong to marginalize beliefs from a belief-created modality that ignores that beliefs drive every single human action. (Lipton again, just read the book already).

It’s scientifically proven that beliefs are transferred epigenetically, meaning every human has beliefs that are hardwired into their DNA with something extra that doesn’t change the DNA but does change the expression of it. Beliefs are what changes the expression of DNA.(The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton, 2005). Beliefs are the ‘control above genetics’ (epigenetics). Beliefs are what drive every single feeling, thought, and action (behavior) of every human that has ever lived.

If you don’t believe this, then that belief is binding, recreating your epigenetic lens which recreates your epigenetic mirror that reflects the lens. Disbelief and misbelief operate in the same manner.

The Belief Axiom, aka how beliefs work:

Beliefs agnostically self-reinforce instantaneously, creating feelings, thoughts, and actions in that order, which themselves create more self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, and actions.

2 Beliefs self-reinforce regardless (agnostically) if the thing believed is true or false, black or white, up or down.

3 Beliefs reinforce physically-emotionally-intellectually (there’s no distinction between these) at the speed of light, causing one to think that everything one believes is true, and to believe everything one thinks is true. Beliefs create the lens we perceive through and the mirror reflecting our perceptions.

4 This singular circularity nature of beliefs is what causes one to never fully grasp them because separating one’s beliefs (lens) from the reinforcements (mirrors) entails examining hundreds of millions of feelings, thoughts, and actions that have the same purpose: what (lens) do you believe and why (mirrors) do you believe it. It’s a seemingly impossible task due to all of the mirrors inside and outside of ourselves.

5 What we think of as beliefs is actually beliefs about beliefs. Every modality creates its own set of beliefs that self-reinforce. Religion creates a set of beliefs, various sciences create beliefs called ‘hypothesis’ which serves as the basis for more research. Social and Behavioral sciences likewise create their distinctive and overlapping belief systems. All ways of thinking — modalities — create their own beliefs about beliefs. Believing these beliefs creates the singular circularity that sustain them.

Science and Philosophy have organized ways of thinking about beliefs that ascribe beliefs to Religion, while Religion has its own set of beliefs about Science and Philosophy modalities and yet never offering an objective look at how beliefs actually work.

The belief axiom cuts to the core of beliefs, per se, meaning that it describes any and all beliefs regardless (agnostic) of any other consideration. It can be applied to any epigenetic belief and organized modality. Applying it separates the truth from the truly stated.

Believe In You

If you believe in anything that external to your Self, you are subjecting yourself to manipulation and negative consequences that will reverberate for your lifetime and that of your progeny for several generations. This is the ‘epi’ that is epigenetically inherited.

If you believe in anything that is external to your Self, you are believing the wrong things about yourSelf and thus you will believe the wrong things about everything else because by misbelieving you create the lens that you view life through and the mirror that reflects the misbeliefs. The negative consequences will reverberate for your lifetime and that of your progeny for several generations.

This is because it’s easier to believe in the external than it is to believe in you. Christianity gets it completely wrong because it perpetuates a misbelief about the power of belief. It’s right there hidden in plain view in Genesis 3, but the ‘belief about beliefs’ as perpetuated by Theology and those who perpetuate it in churches effectively blinds them to the truth.

You can check this out yourself: Eve believed something external to her Self. Immediately she felt naked and afraid.

For thousands of years the Church has defined ‘sin’ as a moral failing when objectively believing the wrong things about one’s self causes one to feel, think, and act against their nature which instantaneously creates a trophic cascade of negative consequences that reverberates to this very day.

The Church’s solution logically follows the same pattern: believe in something external in order to receive something you already have. This checks out because Eve believed she was not like God. Perform an action and she will be what she already is.

In a nutshell, you were born perfect the first time, thus Christianity perpetuates fraudulent beliefs. This also checks out when objectively reading the miracles and what Jesus said about them.

Haters hate because they believe the wrong things about themselves. My pastor friends and ranking Church elites refuse to speak with me because this goes against thousands of years misbeliefs. How dare I challenge their traditional thinking. How dare I suggest that the Christianity is literally built on deceptions. It’s this very same mindset that led Jesus own tribe angrily demand the murderous Roman governor to murder Jesus. He reluctantly complied, finding no objective reason why Jesus should be put to death.

“You can say to this mountain, ‘be removed and cast into the sea’ and if you do not doubt (disbelieve) in your heart it shall be done for you.”

Because of thousands of years of epigenetic beliefs, the disciples and religious leaders especially had a difficult time understanding what Jesus was saying. Their ears could not hear, their eyes could not see, thus they couldn’t listen and perceive that the impossible is in fact possible by virtue of believing. No need to perform an external action, no need to pray, just believe.

Believe. Disbelieving means you’re caught up in the external organized modalities that require you to believe them over believing in you believing in the power of beliefs. Believing you have the power gives you control above epigenetic misbeliefs. There are experiments that have been done that demonstrate the power of beliefs. Ultimately, ‘control above genetics’ is all about believing in you and not believing nor considering an iota of anything external to your Self.

Armed with this rationally grounded exposé, it should be easy to discern the non-stop daily bombardment of propaganda that we humans have been subject to for hundreds of years.

Those who identify as Christians can apply the axiom to work through their learned and epigenetic beliefs. The truth shall set you free to be the powerful divine people that you are.



Peter B.

Objective analysis of claims and incongruities against the rational axiom of how beliefs work. https://howbeliefswork.com/