Greater Works [= + ≥]

The miracles of Jesus and greater are by believing.

Peter B.
2 min readOct 2, 2023

Believing begets believing begets believing. There’s no past tense, only the present I AM existential power of now believing. Flip that script anytime.

The woman who touched Jesus was believing.

The paralytic of Capernaum was paralyzed by his misbeliefs. Jesus forgave him of misbeliefs and he walked away believing.

A man waited for 38 years by healing waters. Jesus told him to drag himself into the waters to be healed. He was healed believing during and after the crawl.

A woman killed herself over her demon-possessed son, leaving her husband to endure the agony of her death, their son, and the Pharisee treatment of their family. All things are possible for him who believes. He couldn’t, so he asked for help with his unbelief. Jesus heals the boy.

The disciples had been facilitating miracles, but didn’t know how. They were greatly discouraged that they could heal the boy, then they were greatly impressed by the death of a fig tree that Jesus had cursed the day before. Jesus explained that miracle came about like all miracles do: by believing when you speak the impossible into existence.

The gay Roman Centurion fell in love with his sex slave who became ill. He heard of Jesus, went to him and asked Jesus to come heal his sex slave. No, wait, bad optics, so just say the word. He walked away believing as Jesus held his believing as being of the highest order.

Jesus, a Jew, praising a Gentile who’d been commanding various oppression tactics that included rape, torture and murder, crossed too far over the line for the ultra orthodox Pharisees who victimized their own people by neutering their God-given power of believing, the same power that every human is born with no matter what they end of doing with their life.

To this day people disbelieve this, physically manifest their disbelieving, and continue to disbelieve.

Disbelieving begets disbelieving begets disbelieving.

Jesus didn’t believe in God. He believed in who he was. He is Him. He is You. He is all of those believing.



Peter B.
Peter B.

Written by Peter B.

Objective analysis of claims and incongruities against the rational axiom of how beliefs work.

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