Higher to Lower

Meaning what you say and saying what you mean.

Peter B.
3 min readNov 14, 2022

My higher Self creates songs to my lower self. It’s creative way of sucking my thumb, of finding comfort, of using my voice to tell my inner terrorized three year old self that’s okay to let go, the threat has passed. These lyrics came to me during a time of great stress.

Though you run and run and run, and run you can’t hide from me.
Cover your soul in shame, still it shines for me.
Lay it all aside and lay it on the line for me.
Everything’s gonna be the change, oh yeah.

My beliefs were shaped by a traumatic, life-threatening event at age 3 and then reinforced by a series of other traumatic events — eleven in all — that created the intrapersonal story of lower me, the person whose 5 senses do a fantastic job of telling me that my five senses is all there ever is.

We all got this one thing that we feel, think, believe is holding us down. We look at others and project our belief about how much better their life is. Our media amplifies this by focusing on celebrities. They have a great life compared to yours and mine, right? But that’s just self-reinforcements talking, it’s judging ourselves from the hugely distorted perspective of judging others.

Most religious theology focuses on “good things happen to good people” who obey the law and toe the line of the 10 Commandments.

This moral/legalistic view has dominated our collective thinking for so long that we have forgotten what love, joy, and peace looks and feels like. We don’t know how to love our neighbor as ourselves — the greatest commandment — because we’re so busy judging ourselves, and we subjecting ourselves to external viewpoints designed specifically to make money for others. (Note: this is why one cannot serve God and money. Serving God means tuning into your higher Self to accept and love your lower physical self, and in turn create a welcoming, non-judgmental environment in which others can co-exist alongside you.

In short, love and morality are mutually exclusive to each other. Focusing on morality naturally limits the amount of love one experiences. Moral behavior and actions are a natural consequences of love. Hence, love fulfills any and all laws.

Here’s the issue then: because beliefs agnostically self-reinforce, your beliefs, disbeliefs, and misbeliefs all have the same effect on your feelings, thoughts, and actions of your lower self.

The temptations of Christ are an example of tuning out all of the external noise that predominates, especially in ‘advanced’ civilizations such as ours where we’re bombarded 24/7 with messages about what will make us happy. Since it’s all fear-based it seeks to induce action, and that action reduces our capacity to tune into our higher Self.

Notice that the character known as Satan is analogous to various media marketing solutions to immediate circumstances. Jesus rejects the marketing even though it comes specifically from Old Testament that Jesus knew.

Lately I’m seeing a delayed Ted Lasso effect, and it’s beautiful to behold. Lots of criticisms all the way around regarding the hiring of Jeff Saturday as head coach of the Colts, but as the show Ted Lasso aptly demonstrates, the issue isn’t the game itself, but rather getting people to believe in themselves. When you do that, the game naturally follows. People know what to do, it’s just a matter of believing.

Image of Opuntia (prickly pear) flower blooming along the Colorado-Utah border.
Opuntia (prickly pear) flower blooms along the Colorado-Utah border. (Photo by author).



Peter B.
Peter B.

Written by Peter B.

Objective analysis of claims and incongruities against the rational axiom of how beliefs work. https://howbeliefswork.com/

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