
Beliefs and their multitudes of self-reinforcements.

Peter B.
2 min readJun 23, 2022

Somebody on another channel commented about points made in this article.

I love how you have communicated what should be a relatively simple concept to internalize.

My response:
Except it’s not easy to internalize because of the way beliefs work:
“Beliefs agnostically self-reinforce instantaneously, creating feelings, thoughts, and actions in that order, which themselves create more self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, and actions.”

Every single human is born with beliefs that predate their birth by hundreds of years (“The Biology of Belief”, Dr. Bruce Lipton). All beliefs are stored in DNA and expressed via feelings (epigenetics).

I cannot stress enough how important DNA=Feelings is, nor does Dr. Bruce Lipton whose medical team discovered this. Every thought, every action begins with feelings such as what (name omitted for privacy) expressed above. The problem is all of the self-reinforcing feelings+thoughts+actions blind people to what the actual beliefs are.

Because of the way beliefs work, all of those self-reinforcements create the lens that we perceive life with, and the mirror reflecting the lens. Dr. Lipton tells people they no longer have to express the same old, worn-out expressions of beliefs. His book is wonderful because it shows medical experiments — not studies — of the power of belief. Jesus told anyone who could listen that all things are possible for the person who believes. No belief in God, Jesus, nor Willy Wonka is required. Just believe. That’s the same message as Dr. Lipton: just believe that you no longer have to express the same generations-old responses to stressors.

In “The Body Keeps The Score”, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk mentions that the top two sources of PTSD is family and western medicine. Makes sense that those who are entrusted to care for us don’t even know how to care for themselves. Family reacts to symptoms (self-reinforcements) and not the causes (beliefs). Doctors treat the symptoms, not the causes because prevention is not profitable. Thus we have what we have today: people blinded and digitally siloed and censored — that squares perfectly with my rational statement of how beliefs work.

For what it’s worth: it took me 7 years to circumvent my own epigenetic (Lipton) beliefs’ self-reinforcements. Once I was able to identify what those self-reinforcing behaviors were and where they came from, it took 6 weeks to come up with that 21-word rational statement. It can be used to check any way of thinking (modality). All religions are modalities created by beliefs. God as a concept is very useful, but God as a real entity is a dead-end to nowhere. Philosophy marginalizes beliefs but doesn’t even bother to examine how beliefs work.

Hubble Caldwell Catalog #11, the Bubble Nebula, stretches 6 light years across.



Peter B.

Objective analysis of claims and incongruities against the rational axiom of how beliefs work.