The difference is obvious.
Paid speech and free speech are mutually exclusive to each other.
Paid speech is marketing with an expectation of a ROI. It’s based on fear which ultimately resolves to lack. The message is always the same: could recent facts (which always omit crucial details) result in a better outcome?
Believe it or not, this is the world’s oldest business model. It’s based on the original fear/lack template of which the first known recording is approximately 2,500 years ago in Genesis 3. That model: perform this action in order to achieve/receive what you already are/have. Specifically, someone believed a talking snake’s lie that person wasn’t like God, eat this fruit and you will be. The person did and immediately felt naked and afraid.
This became the basis of religion, which is a man made construct organized around the idea of a deity or deities. Why? Today’s message remains the same: accept Jesus as your savior from a terrible future.
Paid speech depends on two things: accessibility and belief. Because everyone experiences every second of life through their beliefs, accessibility is the only obstacle. One must pay in order to put out their message. Irrevocably, the message conveys belief in the message itself in hopes of a return on investment. You can choose to believe or not, but be forewarned that paid speech ultimately obscures the fact that you don’t need what it’s selling.
Constant marketing keeps the illusions alive of whatever they’re selling as being worthy of your attention, but moreso worthy of your belief. When you keep that message in mind, it means you believe it is true, and worst of all you will manifest it in your body for the simple fact of the matter is that the body keeps the score. You are the record keeper of the misery inflicted on you.
Everything you need is already inside you. You need only to believe, ask for wisdom and you will receive it. The instant you look outside of you is the instant you are off the straight, narrow, righteously powerful path of your heart.
Speech that parrots paid speech isn’t free, it’s paid for and it costs you your health as it always blinds you to what is freely yours.
You’re free to promote paid speech, but you should always cite your sources. Even then it’s not necessary as paid speech, regardless of media, is replicated an astonishing number of times each and every day. Next!
People who promote paid speech believe. They don’t critique, they don’t poke or prod, they just believe. Worse, they look askance at those who don’t share their belief in paid speech. Beliefs always manifest emotions first, then thoughts, and action. This happens instantaneously and creates more self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, and action; they’re indistinguishable.
It’s all a lie. All of that paid speech, all of it is a lie in order to induce belief. Once you believe it it’s hard to get out from under it because of how beliefs work. Beliefs creates the lens you perceive through and the mirror that reflects the lens. I call it cingularity or circular singularity. You believe something and suddenly it’s gospel whether or not it’s from church, God, or some con artists — all marketing is a con. Whatever they’re selling you can get it for free just by believing you can.
What a ridiculous statement to make. But there’s actually experiments done that show that just believing once received surgery to fix knees has comparable results to those who had the actual surgery. Another experiment: 5 old men were transported back to their favorite time period. In just 5 days reading magazine articles from back when, listening to music from back then improved their health, their eyesight and they could walk again.
Today, it’s all about lying and people keep believing the lies and so in the end, because they believed, they attribute their “failure” as them not being good enough, and lo and behold, there’s a pill for that. Whatever they’re selling you can get it for free just by believing you can.
Worse are the angry denialists who promote their special brand of insanity that they alone have the solution. They never actually explain what the solution is because if there’s no money to be made, it will never see the light of day. The Algorithm simply swipes left billions of times per day.
And nope, you’re never going to hear the solution from your religion. It too, is nothing but marketing to such a degree that it’s come full circle to where Jesus, were he to come back, would be telling the mega church preachers to fuck off for lying to everybody so they can accept donations to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. I mean, have you ever read Mark 11 objectively? The only thing that one needs for miracles is to believe. Believe. Believe and nothing else. But do double-check what it is that causes you to disbelieve. Most likely it’s one of those lies that keeps on giving money to the church.
Oh, I should mention that in order to be impossible it first must have been possible.
Duh. There is no day without night and vice versa.
To recap: if you believe something is impossible based on what someone told you, rest assured that it actually is possible. You just have to believe and let it stand on its own for no reason whatsoever. Believe.
Pro tip: you know you’re believing the wrong things about yourself when you feel bad, angry, and/or gripped by fear. Your every feeling, thought, and action is a direct reflection/manifestation of your belief(s). Conversely, every belief is directly manifested as feelings, thoughts, and action which creates more of the same regardless of any other consideration.
By that I mean you should never trust for a single moment that your belief in God means anything. It doesn’t. Come on, do you really think that believing in God makes a difference? Re-read Mark 11:23; nowhere does Jesus say anything about God.
But what Jesus does say is that the greatest command if to love your neighbor as yourself. He was quoting Leviticus 19:9–18. Again, no belief in God required. Just make sure the people you come in contact with have clean water, food, clothing, and shelter.
The way that you treat people has a powerful effect on at least 6 other people. They see it, they feel it, and they respond in kind. Love is the only thing that requires you to give it in order to have it. The more you give, the more you will give, and the more people will pitch in to create solutions.
Politicians can’t do this. They are bought via the system they represent. Corporations could do this, but they’ve got to make money, so nope, nothing happening there. Private corporations come close, but ultimately they follow the profit motive.
Non-profits come closest, but ultimately they are at the mercy of corporations.
The solution to all of our problems is to believe that we can address them and resolve them. Solutions must start at the bottom of society because if it works for the poorest, it will easily work for those with a little more resources and resiliency.