The Quantum Physics of Spirituality

aka the kingdom of God is available for anyone who believes.

Peter B.
6 min readOct 24, 2023

For the past 7 years I’ve been writing beliefs, specifically parsing life through the rational statement of how beliefs work. I’ve refrained from making judgments because once you consistently apply the rational statement you can begin to understand your unique intrapersonal dynamics, aka responses to trauma.

What we have in common is that we each have our programming to overcome in order to gain control over our lives that is saturated with disempowering messages.

Beliefs agnostically self-reinforce instantaneously, creating feelings, thoughts, and actions in that order, which themselves create more self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, and actions.

Use the above rational statement any time you feel bad about yourself for whatever reasons. Follow your feelings by asking why you feel bad about whatever it is you feel bad about, and keep asking until you come to what you think the origins of your chronic, stuck behavior is.

I’ve consistently encouraged people to read The Biology of Belief, particularly Chapter 5. From here on out I will be referring people to an interview which I’ve copied to my website How Beliefs Work. In that interview Bruce Lipton, PhD reiterates and expands on his discovery of epigenetics.

All of your feelings and thoughts about your feelings stem from the way you were treated the first 7 years of your life. Most of that wasn’t good for you, so don’t be discouraged when you dredge up old memories. It’s important that you understand that as a child you are completely dependent on your familial and social environment.

Jails are full of people who suffered trauma and other disempowering experiences during their childhood. You might not know exactly how you became fucked up, but if you pay attention to your feelings and the things that trigger feeling bad about yourself, you can gain control over your life.

As Dr. Lipton notes in that interview, “Your genes are controlled by your environment, and more specifically your perception of the environment.”

In another interview he defines the subconscious as the way you were treated (programmed) for the first 7 years of your life. That programming is epigenetic, meaning it came from several sets of grandparents. The Biology of Belief explains how your grandparents determined.

It’s critical to understand that belief = behavior both conscious and subconscious. The things you feel you can’t change is your subconscious. It’s on autopilot. It’s part and parcel of your identity. It’s been your experience ever since you could remember, and it’s also your grandparents experience.

Every feeling you’ve ever had, every thought and action in response to that feeling originated with your grandparents. How they treated your parents was determined by their grandparents.

Christianity calls this ‘sin’ and says you cannot change it, only Jesus can save you from the eternal damnation of repeating history (epigenetics). Jesus says, “Not so” and demonstrated that we can overcome our epigenetics by merely believing that we can.

Jesus relentless railed against his religion and the self-appointed authorities who exploited their status for wealth by instituting a sin tax that chronically disempowered people. This model became the Judeo-Christian legal system which continues to disempower people in its various shapes and forms.

It’s this model that the founding teenagers, middle-aged men and one woman were determined to avoid by separating church from state, and vice versa. Removing the false authority of religion and state, and placing authority directly into the hands of citizens, created the concept of self-governance.

If you need a religious or legal authority to give you the basic outlines about how to treat your kids and other families, you’re guaranteed to create undesirable outcomes and officially part of the problem the founding fathers wanted to avoid. They never wanted lawyers nor lobbyists. It’s We the People against Them the Corporations nowadays which is now being turned over to artificial intelligence which is surely going to greatly exacerbate issues pertaining to digital division in the name of ‘keeping us connected’; ‘connected’ being the code word for ‘divided’/

Both the political/legal and religious belief systems are based on addressing symptoms whereas empowering people is anti-authority.

It’s telling that those who are against religion and the legal system are labeled as anarchic and thus demonized. Jesus was demonized through and through. In keeping in principles with the power of speech, Jesus knew that speaking truth to false power always ends badly.

Scapegoating is not restricted to religion, it’s also a feature of the legal system from which it originated. When the Roman Empire finally collapsed, the Catholic Church took its place and reigned for a thousand years until a series of protests throughout Europe disrupted every aspect of life. These protests occurred during the Renaissance and is known as the Reformation. It was barbaric to an extreme and lasted a few hundred years.

It gave birth to Protestant Christianity as we know it today. The Declaration of Independence was a response to the false power of Christianity in England where, like Catholicism, religion was exploited for personal gain in the form of the Monarchy system.

I bring this up because institutionalized epigenetics is still epigenetic. Religion and the political systems are based on social and economic control of people. Unless we deal with the causes, we will collectively keep repeating collective mistakes.

The extreme inequality we experience today ends badly. Those who support either political party and their candidates once again are fooling themselves into believing that this time around things will be different. No it won’t because the only possible outcomes are baked into the institutions.

Maybe you can see now why I call Christianity in all of its various forms inherently fraudulent. The words that Jesus spoke in Matthew 23 resonate to this day: do not do what the religious and political leaders say, do not listen to their flowery speech because if you do you will become twice the hell on Earth that they are.

Do love your neighbor as yourself. Be kind to everyone you meet because they are going through things that you know nothing about.

Your perception is governed by your beliefs which were created biologically during and before your childhood. In quantum physics terms, observation affects reality. Changing your perception means changing your thoughts away from your childhood to be aligned with the fact that can change; you’re not a victim of your genes.

For most people, getting out from underneath childhood trauma PTSD would be miraculous. In Mark 11:23 Jesus tells the disciples how miracles are facilitated. “…whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”

The doubt that Jesus references is childhood epigenetics that you repeatedly keep manifesting because beliefs always self-reinforce and manifest accordingly. The mountain is that feeling of impossibility that you grew up with. And Jesus says that by speaking to that mountain to be removed to never be seen again (environment in Dr. Lipton’s parlance) if you believe that you can have the life you know in your heart is possible.

Usually what happens is we don’t truly believe that we can change because religion and other external sources continually bombard us with disempowering messages. But Jesus’ own words directly contradict that nonsense. You should never listen to anyone or anything except your heart.

When you believe religion, you manifest religion. When you believe the words of Jesus, you manifest healing and miracles. If you don’t believe this, you manifest that. It’s called sow and reap.

Whatever you need God to be, God will be. Whatever you need Jesus to be, Jesus will be. Whatever you believe, you will become. Don’t like what you have become? It’s a sure sign that you’re not believing in you. You’re believing what the TV tells you to believe. You’re believing the opinions of others. You’re believing the experts. Just like Eve, you’re not believing in who you were created as.

Every single human being is directly connected to the Source of all life that goes by various names. Some call it God, others call it Universe, or Source. I just call it quantum energy because it’s invisible, just like God and gravity, and we’re interacting with it every single waking moment of our lives.

The energy we put into creating positive outcomes (sow) comes back to us (reap) according to what we believe. You will have whatever you say. Whatever you believe, you will become. There’s no two ways about this principle.

Try this: speak. Use your voice to speak to the outcomes you want. I dare you. It’s wonderful. You have no need of any other person except yourself.



Peter B.

Objective analysis of claims and incongruities against the rational axiom of how beliefs work.