Transactional Beliefs: Root of All Evil

Peter B.
4 min readMar 27, 2022

The reason I brought up the issue of Transactional Beliefs is to illustrate all human feelings, thoughts, and actions are an expression of beliefs regardless of its forms.

The highest expressions are Miracles.
The lowest are murders.
The most creative: music and visual arts.
The lamest: religion.
The most evil: religion.

Every single instance of behavior is an expression of beliefs. Every single modality — “a particular (organized) mode in which something exists or is experienced or expressed” — is an expression of beliefs that either perpetuates love or fear.

All organized modes of thinking are expressions or organized beliefs that express their ‘beliefs about beliefs’; the transaction takes on various forms that peptuate love or fear.

Police is a form of hate. Obedience is a form of self-hate. Both are an expression of fear.

Bodily autonomy (freedom, habeus corpus) is a form of self-love that empowers one to create more love (freedom) not subjected to laws and restrictions of the predominant transactional belief modalities known as politics and religion.

The solution to every human issue is love/freedom — the very things that transactional beliefs cannot result in. The nine fruits of the spirit versus the zero sum game of false power expression of fear (money/Mammon).

Money/transactionalism is all fear-based and resides in every single structure in America. Television has replaced the human spirit, creating mindless zombies requiring ever increasing amounts of “nothing seems to satisfy” empty spiritually enslaved calories of junk religion that sustains transactional beliefs.

Imagination is more important than knowledge because it best serves love which can create only positive outcomes for creator (self) and subjects (others) alike.

When you think ‘religion’ you should think ‘belief’ instead. The Bible is a book of beliefs (sow) that accurately documents the outcomes (reap) be they beliefs, misbeliefs, or disbeliefs — all work the same way regardless: they self-reinforce instantaneously, creating feelings, thoughts, and actions that create more of same self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, and actions.

If it’s not love, it’s fear, it’s lack, it’s nothing. Love bears, believes, hopes and endures all things. Anything is possible with love, nothing is too hard for love.

Just a few things are possible with money. The more you have the less you can buy; ultimately money results in war which always results in more lack.

Aside: I learned more about facing one’s fears from the movie “The Conjuring 2” than the Bible as did my son who invited me to watch it with him.

Love participates physically. Love doesn’t equivocate. Facing our epigenetic fears feels like it will never let us go because it was present hundreds of years before we were even born. The Book of Beliefs (BoB, aka the Bible) labels epigenetic fears as ‘sins of the father’ in that ‘sin’ is ‘believing the wrong things about one’s self’; not the fruits, but the roots. The root causes of moral failing causes one to feel (internal) think (rising) and act (fully express) according to the mis- dis-belief.

Evil is nothing more than epigenetic fears. It takes on various forms, yes, but to ascribe evil as being the work of Satan is to proclaim your epigenetic powerlessness. You will perpetuate that powerlessness until you can face it with love, to just stand there and tell yourself ‘yep, this is scary as fuck but “I’m still right here, giving blood, keeping faith and I’m still right here”.

‘Peter, that’s just a movie’ is to marginalize once again the powerlessness you were taught. Remember, the disciples were facilitating miracles until the father of the demon-possessed boy was brought to them. They were overcome with horror of the visuals (fruits) and couldn’t understand how love could possibly resolve the situation (roots).

The father finds Jesus and tells him that the disciples couldn’t help to which Jesus replies, “this comes out only by prayer”. We never hear what the prayer was.

A short while later the discouraged disciples glom onto the fact that the fig tree that Jesus cursed a day or two before is dead, withered down to its roots. They’re excited by it, and Jesus uses it to tell them that their job is to focus on anything being possible to such a degree that they can tell that nearby mountain to be removed and cast into the sea. And later he tells them that they will do greater works than he himself did.

How? By believing.



Peter B.

Objective analysis of claims and incongruities against the rational axiom of how beliefs work.