Why I No Longer Identify As Christian
Accepting Jesus as one’s savior is no different that believing a talking snake. Both makes deceptive promises about what you will become. You were born AOK the first time. If not then God made a mistake.
Not that I believe in God as an entity. As a concept, God works by giving people hope and belief that good things are possible — they are — but relying on it without believing in one’s self is folly because prayers are always answered creatively, not administratively; God never rubber stamps prayer requests.
Having discovered a rational statement of how beliefs work I’m appalled that sin has been consistently misdefined as a failure to obey. It’s as if humans were robots.
It’s clear from an objective reading of Genesis 3 that sin is believing the wrong things (lies) about one’s self which causes one to believe the wrong things about everything else, and feel, think, and act accordingly.
Genesis 3 clearly documents this. It also reveals the template on which all fear-mongering is done. The template: perform this action in order to achieve/receive what you already are/have:
Iteration 1: Eat this fruit and you will be like God.
Iteration 2: Accept Jesus as your Savior and receive eternal life.
I find it interesting and appalling that both iterations are irrevocably attached to the misdefinition of sin. These iterations are effective at inducing fear and its attendant sense of lack only because one believes them to be true.
In order for a lie to induce belief it must contain a kernel of truth. The lie: you’re not like God. The kernel of truth: you’re like God already. The lie cannot exist without the truth. Lies that induce belief always have an action and qualifier. The original templated lie is ‘you are not’.
Once you believe something it self-reinforces instantly. ‘You are not’ blinds you to what you actually are due to the fact that beliefs are stored in your DNA. “The Biology of Belief” documents this. Beliefs are expressed via feelings. Make no mistake: your emotional and physical state are identical. How you feel is reflected in your body. What you believe creates your emotional-physical state which creates the lens you view life through and the mirror reflecting your lens.
The only way to get out or around the gravity of epigenetic beliefs is the same now as it was back then: love your neighbor as yourself. Do unto others as you would have have them do unto you. The measure you give will be multiplied and given back to you.
Children understand this very well. Treat adults like you would treat your own children. You know you are loving when your own children love you in return.
To ignore the power and wisdom of love just because it’s from the Bible is dumb for these words are found in various forms in other religious texts and every bit as wise.
One doesn’t have to believe in God, Jesus, nor Willy Wonka to be kind and make sure others needs are met regardless of any other consideration.
That’s why I don’t identify as a Christian. I identify as a lover, as Peter, the guy who is always making people laugh.