Peter B.
2 min readNov 13, 2023


You obviously haven't read anything about the Reformation of the Catholic Church which was violently protested against by its various subjects in Europe. The Catholic Church retaliated with torture, murder, and massacres and the Protestant movement responded in kind.

Martin Luther was one of the most vocal and polarizing critics of Catholicism. Polarizing is just putting it mildly as his book On The Jews and Their Lies (1543) puts Mein Kampf to shame. Bear in mind that Luther and the Protestant movement was a widespread protest against the Catholic Church's treatment of their subjects. It was violent. It was based on differing beliefs about the bogeyman named God.

The title of this article is truly stated. Most things are, such as lies and omissions. Deliberately leaving out God and how belief in God isn't necessary to love your neighbor is solid, but completely ignoring history is pretty wild for The History Buff.

The Founding Fathers of the USA were Calvinist refugees, itself one of the 7 primary Protestant denominations, led to those teenagers and middle-aged men and 1 woman to focus on sefl-governance: if you need a religious, legal or political authority to give you the basic outline of how to treat others, you're officially part of the problem they were trying to solve.

The Inquisition of the Catholic Church was never disbanded, just rebranded. Look at the SCOTUS, still telling people what they can and cannot do. Now as then, the more money you have the better the chance you'll get your desired result as long as you work within the legal framework that determines the winners and losers.



Peter B.

Objective analysis of claims and incongruities against the rational axiom of how beliefs work.